

——————– AstroPlus

We helped 10 thousand querents to discover their destiny: Find out how!

Leveraging the potential of tech to unlock the power of the stars.

1 K+
Downloads since the app’s launch in 2022.
Stars received from over
2,000 reviews.
1 +
Astrology consultations completed so far.

We provided querents with a digital gateway to experience the transformative power of personalized horoscope predictions.

By developing a custom mobile app, we empowered users to access the mystical world of astrology

Through leveraging advanced development techniques and integrating the best technology with the art of astrology, PlusOne brought AstroPlus’ vision to life.


Find out how we created history


The Background

One of our clients wanted to bring personalized horoscope readings to the digital age with a mobile app that could connect users with astrologers.

The Challenge

The challenge was to create a mobile app that would not only connect users with astrologers but also provide them with an engaging and tailored experience. The app needed to be developed to work seamlessly across multiple platforms while ensuring that the user data and privacy remained protected.

The Solution

To meet these challenges, PlusOne developed a bespoke mobile app that utilized advanced algorithms and expert development techniques to provide users with personalized horoscope reports. PlusOne’s development approach ensured that the app provides an authentic and accurate experience for users, making AstroPlus a go-to app for anyone seeking spiritual guidance and growth.

Western astrology to Indian astrology, the app does it all. app does it all.

The app has options for both Western and Indian astrology, providing an all-in-one solution. The app’s seamless functionality allows users to effortlessly find their future, regardless of their astrological background.


“The idea was to have an app with authoritative & trustworthy feelings. Plusone did it.”

How We Succeed

AstroPlus grew rapidly, providing Indian and overseas users with a top-notch astrology experience. It is only set to scale greater heights. Supporting its development needs every step of the way will be Plusone.



Presented the Roadmap

After getting on board for the project, our team of skilled developers understood the requirement and analysed other apps to understand their working. We then created a comprehensive roadmap for the project and explained the whole development lifecycle to the client, which he really liked.



Mobile Technology

We developed a cross-platform mobile application, which could be used on both Android and iOS mobile devices to receive live online predictions. We implemented features like in-app video calls, astrologer account registration, verification gateway, appointment booking, etc.


Focused on UX

We designed the app to provide an in-person appointment-like experience, and the high-quality video call feature makes this real-time connectivity possible. The payment gateway was designed with high-speed transaction algorithms with security compliances, which make transactions in no time.



Surveyed Users

We decided to do a quick survey, so we sent the survey to related Facebook groups to understand who are they. Finally, we had 15 participants and we draw up different user personas. By depicting the whole process, we identified how the user is navigating and see if they meet their needs.


At Plusone Technologies, we are proud to say that the app we developed has become popular for its simple, sleek design and graceful illustrations as well as its seamless navigation.

Learn how we can help with your project!

Are you looking to develop a customized astrology app like this? Let us collaborate to create something amazing.


About Sasnio Company

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